The Gosford Glyphs

The Gosford glyphs are located in Kariong on the NSW central coast and are a well known hoax. The site is still very cool to visit though and a good walk through some nice bushland. The glyphs are located off a trail on Bambara Road or of the Lyre Trig bush fire trail. The site is hidden behind an outcropping of large boulders.

There are some great articles out there about this site. You can read a great one [here] and others[here] and [here]. Don’t be fooled. This site is a load of poop. It has been proven they are nothing more than rock carvings, no egyptians lived in Australia. But this site has become part of the local history for the last few decades and now taken on a life of its own. Here are some of the shots I took of the glyphs.

My mission was to go to the site and check out the supposed chambers underneath. What we found was interesting. We climbed up past the carvings to find the entry to the chamber was open. It was big enough to fit only one person at a time and it was a drop down of about 5ft.

Insde the chamber we found it had been mostly filled. There did seem to be a small tunnel leading out. You can see light at the end (photo below), to the right is a straight wall of rock. No doubt naturally made, not man made. A little disappointing but still fun.

We scouted around for any other sites as there are rumors of others but we could not find anymore. Damn those Egyptians hiding their treasures!

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